Monday, January 25, 2010

Haiti Donation scammers

Everyone!!!!!! Please be careful searching for donation sites on all search engines. Here is an example how malware writes are exploiting this tragedy.

Do not go to this site or you will risk being infected........

Click on the above search leads you to the following site.

Thanks to firefox extension No Script. The malicious script is blocked from running. Here is the actual fake rogue security site. As if i didn't have it blocked.

As you can it tries to trick you into thinking your computer is infected. My current Anti-Virus program didn't detect the file, so i recommend running a Anti-Malware program for added protection. Malwarebytes Anti-Malware (subscription version with protection module enabled) blocks everything, just another reason to have more than just Anti-Virus protection.

Hope this post has helped. Safe surfing.....

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